Your wedding ceremony options have been limited... until now
Ancient Heart Weddings offers a unique opportunity to design your own wedding ceremony.
While the wedding ceremony is an ancient tradition on every continent among all people, the western marriage ceremony has been largely controlled by the State/Church structure since the Middle Ages.
In 2006 South Africa became one of the first countries in the world to recognize and honour diverse and alternative cultures, including same-sex marriage and people exploring their gender diversity and spiritual identities. For the first time ever, you are free to marry whomever you choose, however you wish.
Meet with a qualified, registered official, to share your ideas and plan your own unique ceremony.
With a vast knowledge of various traditions and wedding culture, your marriage officer will weave your ideas with established traditions and design an authentic ceremony that will touch your heart and wow your guests.
Ancient Heart Weddings specializes in romantic, shamanic and Anglo Saxon themes, recreating the essence and spirit of traditional wedding ceremonies.
3 Step Process
Meet & Greet
Meet & Greet
We will meet a month or three before your ceremony, to discuss
your ideas, review and sign the required documentation and discuss some modern marriage tips.
I will arrive 45 min. before the ceremony. The ceremony will take roughly 20 min.I will stay to complete documentation and share a drink and pleasantries with guests.
No catering required for me, unless it is in a remote location.
Within the week that follows I will submit your documentation to the local Home Affairs office where I am registered, for updating the population register

In 2006 the government revised the marriage standard in line with the constitution to include all religions and sexual orientations \
for persons wishing to marry in South Africa
The Civil Union Act 17 of 2006 intends:
to provide for the solemnization of civil unions, by way of either a marriage or civil partnership;
the legal consequences of civil unions; and
to provide for matters incidental thereto.
The Preamble reads
To provide for the solemnization of civil unions, by way of either a marriage or civil
partnership; the legal consequences of civil unions; and to provide for matters
incidental thereto.
WHEREAS section 9(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. 1996.
provides that everyone is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and
benefit of the law;
AND WHEREAS section 9 3 ) of the Constitution provides that the state may not
unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more grounds,
including race. gender. sex, pregnancy, marital status. ethnic or social origin, color,
sexual orientation. age. disability. religion, conscience. belief. culture. language arid
AND WHEREAS section 10 of the Constitution provides that everyone has inherent
dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected;
AND WHEREAS section 1 S(11ofthe Constitution provides that everyone has the right
to freedom of conscience. religion. thought. belief and opinion;
AND WHEREAS the rights in the Bill of Rights may be limited only in terms of law of
general application to the extent that the limitation is reasonable and justifiable in
an open and democratic society based on human dignity. equality and freedom;
AND NOTING THAT the family law dispensation as it existed after the commencement
of the Constitution did riot provide for same-sex couples to enjoy the status and the
benefits coupled with the responsibility that marriage accords to opposite-sex couples.
Be it therefore enacted by the Parliament of the Republic of South
In this Act. unless the context otherwise indicates-
"civil union" means the voluntary union of two persons who are both 18 years of
age or older. which is solemnized and registered by way of either a marriage or a
civil partnership. in accordance with the procedures prescribed in this Act. to the
exclusion. while it lasts, of all others.
Full Act:
Pagan Marriage Officers List:
Ancient Heart Weddings Photos