There are two approaches to this phenomenon called the Covid 19 pandemic in the shaman's mind.
1. Understanding what is really going on.
We cannot understand where we are going if we do not understand where we come from.
2. Managing the journey.
The greatest guru's will tell you, that any journey is not about the destination, its about the best route to take.
The world is divided over the so called pandemic we are facing due to the Corona virus.
Some do not believe the official narrative, while others comply blindly for fear of becoming infected or fear of retribution by authorities and or financial implications for business.
I am not interested in who is right or wrong as both have significant pros and cons.
It is important to note that the official narrative has changed several times as has the source of the origins of this plague. For the shaman it should be about research and rationality. Read the official story as well as educated unofficial points of view. Read up on the history of pandemics, outcomes, and the agendas of the powers that be, who have caused mass death through war and the continual advancement of weapons technology. Governments do not always have our best interests at heart. While the majority will argue that they have taken the vaccine in full trust of the authorities, based on previous vaccine protocols, they fail to see the sinister side of the power play and agendas of those who rule the world. I am not speaking about the USA or China or the puppet presidents who represent these forces, who can be swapped around liberally and used as scapegoats. I speak of the shadow government agents that are never voted in or out and remain in power despite supposed change. I speak of those who control the money supply, the weapons that fuel factional wars, the history of atrocities that kill millions and the men behind these atrocities that are never held accountable.
History, even mainstream history is littered with events that indicate that we 'the people' do not matter in the big picture, and a global scale pandemic is exactly the type of event that should make us sit up and pay close attention. For example, when we were originally told that this virus came from an accidental transfer of an infected animal at a market in Wuhan, all those who suggested foul play were branded foolish conspiracy theorists and irresponsible citizens. However now it is widely accepted that the virus did not come from a market but came from a laboratory in Wuhan and has been enhanced to not only be more adaptable to humans, but intensified to very dangerous levels. Therefore, if it had not been for this so called gain of function research, ie, human tampering which could be interpreted as (bio) weaponisation, we would not be experiencing a global pandemic at all and 5 million lives would not have been lost to date.
Furthermore if it had not been for coincidences like Event 201 (the pandemic rehearsal' at Davos), five months before the December outbreak, or the sinister National Security Study Memorandum 200 policy ( NSSM200 A top secret strategy to depopulate the world. Created in 1974, chaired by Henry Kissinger under Nixon. Declassified in 1989 and submitted into the National Archive as a public document in the US) or the fact that Kissinger was in Beijing in November 2019, it would be a lot easier to fall for the official narrative. ( Or is it to carry out his ghastly opus ? At the age of 98, Kissinger is still involved in advising world leaders. This man still has a litany of crimes against humanity to answer for,) The most outspoken shadow government agent.
See The Trial of Henry Kissinger - Christopher Hitchens
These questions throw a huge spanner on the works for the mainstream narrative. It would be far easier to navigate the truth if the conspiracy theories could be quickly disproven rather than emerge as facts - always with hindsight, would it not?
See award winning investigative journalist Sharri Markson's expose - What really happened in Wuhan!
During WW1 chemical weapons like mustard gas , tear gas, phosgene and chloride were the covert weapons of choice. In WW2, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Nicaragua and all over Africa Smallpox, Influenza and Malaria have been used and spread by aircraft, over populations to weaken resistance, so it is not implausible to realize that this is very much a possibility. Bio weapons are perfect covert tools for war. Most famously the Nazi's used Zyclon B to exterminate 6 million Jews and was made by a company that still makes poisonous chemicals today, all they had to do was change their name from IG Faben and split into several companies including Beyer, AGFA, BASF and some unpronounceable German names.
The bottom line is, knowledge is power and we should never stop learning. Especially from people and groups that are banned or removed from Face book and You Tube, or silenced by regimes.
Journeying. This is the shaman's greatest tool. But what is journeying? Journeying in the shamanic sense is usually undertaken in a deep state of trance with a shaman as a guide, but journeying like yoga, is not something we only do to find answers, it is a way of life. Therefore journeying in this sense is the balance of external and internal influences and the awareness of the psyche during the process of fear and change. So as the saying goes, you may not always be in control of the outer world or what is happening to you, but we can always control our attitude and choice of action in any given scenario. It takes resolve and courage to begin any journey, especially those we did not willingly embark upon or prepare for. But that does not mean that they are all doomed, or that we should succumb to the outside effects. The first rule is, change is inevitable. It is in fact the only constant. Therefore we should always be prepared to be disturbed by change - temporarily. The one who is aware of this adapts, while the one who is not, complains and gives up.
The shaman needs to go deep into the core of his mind to find resolve, to meet death and overcome fear. The shaman in each of us needs to rationalize fear as a false positive. That is to say, a necessary evil. Without fear, we cannot respect death. Death for all we know is the opposite of life. Unconsciousness. Put aside any ideas and fantasies of a paradisaical afterlife, for there is absolutely no evidence for it. In fact nature suggests the opposite. Death is death. Nothing in nature regenerates, rejuvenates or reincarnates. Tissue is born, ages and dies. Energy is derived from food and the sun, and is used up until it is replenished by more food and sunlight.
Let us embrace that fact and fight for life while we have it.
That is why it is up to each of us to figure it out for ourselves. Never give your life into the hands of a politician or priest who might claim to guarantee the way. They will all lie to you for power.
Study, meditate converse, listen and be willing to learn outwardly. Avoid arguments. Internally, remind yourself that you are here now and okay. Focus on the present, but study the past and scenario plan the future.
Overcome fear, and the fear mongers that are your peers. Smile and wave, at those who are intense and forceful, and do not be like a candle in the wind. Remain steady in the present moment and appreciate each breath while you have it. That is all.